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  • Data protection principles

    This Data protection principles applies exclusively to the internet content and services of Schenker Deutschland AG and within the scope of the employment relationship. 

    Thank you for your interest in our company, our products and our services. Our privacy notice aims to let you know what data we collect from you, how we use this data and how you can object to the use of data.

    It is basically possible to use our web pages without providing personal data. Certain services and activities provided by our company via our internet site may make it necessary to process personal data. The following privacy notice will provide you with detailed information about this. Please note that our web pages may contain links to other providers that are not covered by this privacy notice.

    Who is responsible for collecting and processing data?

    Schenker Deutschland AG
    Lyoner Strasse 15
    60528 Frankfurt a. M.
    Tel: +49 69 24744-0

    collects and processes your data as the controller.

    Do you have any questions, suggestions or complaints regarding the processing of your personal data? If so, please contact our data protection officer directly:

    Gabriele Toellner
    Lyoner Strasse 15
    60528 Frankfurt a.M.                          
    Tel: +49 69 24744-0

    Please visit our „Contact“ page for all topics or contact the nearest DB Schenker branch to your location.

    What data do we collect and why are we processing your data?

    We collect and process your data only for clearly defined purposes. These arise because of technical necessity, contractual requirements or express requests made by the user.

    Thus, we require personal data from you in order to fulfill a contract. We use this data for order processing, collection, delivery, order picking, returns processing, movement of goods, payment processing, credit assessments, delivery to the designated address and, where applicable, for processing cancellations and refunds. In short, to carry out our logistics services.

    For reasons of technical necessity, certain data is collected and stored when you visit our web pages. This includes e.g. the date and duration of your visit, the web pages visited, data identifying your browser and type of operating system and the web page via which you came to us.

      • If we obtain your consent to perform processing operations involving your personal data this shall provide the legal basis pursuant to Article 6 (1) (a) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
      • Where the processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of a contract with you, the contract provides the legal basis under Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR. Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR also applies to processing operations that are necessary for carrying out precontractual measures, such as in the case of inquiries about our products and services.
      • Where our company is under a legal obligation which makes it necessary to process personal data, such as for example to comply with tax obligations, such processing is based on Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR.
      • Where necessary, we process your data to an extent that goes beyond performance of the contract in order to protect our legitimate interests or those of third parties pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Examples of this include: the revision and improvement of procedures for business management and the development of products and services; advertising, market research and opinion polling - provided you have not objected to the use of your data; the assertion and defense of legal claims; prevention and investigation of criminal offenses; safeguarding IT security and IT operations; consultation and exchange of data with credit agencies to determine creditworthiness and default risk
      • We collect your personal data for recruitment procedures and within the framework of the employment contract on the basis of Art. (1) (b), Art. 88 GDPR in conjunction with Section 26 (1) sentence 1 German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).

    Do we share your data with third parties?

    Contract processing generally requires the deployment of direct-reporting contract processors, such as data center operators, shipping and freight forwarding service providers, and other parties involved in contract performance. External service providers, who are commissioned by us to process data, are carefully selected and placed under a strict contractual obligation e.g. by way of rigorous technical and organizational measures and supplementary checks. Your data will only be transferred if you have provided your express consent or on the basis of a statutory provision.

    Personal data will not be transferred to third countries outside the EU or EEA, or to an international organization, unless appropriate safeguards are in place. These include the EU standard contractual clauses as well as an adequacy decision by the EU Commission.

    Irrespective of this, transfer may be necessary:

    How long is your data stored?

    We only store your data for as long as necessary or required by law to carry out the purpose for which it was collected. For example, when there is a contractual relationship, we save your data at least until the contract is fully terminated. Thereafter, the data is stored for the duration of the statutory retention periods.

    Rights of data subjects

    Examples of specific data processing operations

    • When you register to receive our newsletter, you are required to provide us with your email address. In this case, you are allowing us to use your email address for advertising purposes such as to send you information about similar products or other new features.

      When you register for the newsletter, we store the IP address provided at that time by your internet service provider (ISP), in an anonymized form, information about the computer system being used and the date and time of registration. This is necessary in order to discover any possible misuse of the email address and therefore provides us with legal protection. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the newsletter.

      We would like to inform you about the processing of your personal data in the context of the use of CleverReach.

      Our website uses CleverReach (CleverReach GmbH & Co. KG, Mühlenstr. 43, 26180 Rastede) for sending newsletters. With CleverReach newsletters can be organized and analyzed. The data we collect from you (name, e-mail) is stored on CleverReach's servers in Germany or Ireland.

      With CleverReach, we can analyze the recipient's behavior by analyzing how many recipients viewed the newsletter and how often which link has been clicked. Furthermore, conversion tracking can be used to check whether a predefined action (e.g. purchase) has been performed. Here you can find more information about the analysis by CleverReach:

      Your consent is the basis for the processing of your personal data (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR). You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. To do this, you must unsubscribe from the newsletter. The legality of the data processing operations that have already taken place remains unaffected by the revocation. If you do not want data analysis, you must unsubscribe from the newsletter. You can find the link in the Newsletter.

      The data you enter will be stored and deleted from our servers as well as from the CleverReach servers after the revocation has been sent. Data that you have entered for other purposes is not affected (e.g. customer account).

      For more information, see CleverReach's Privacy Policy at:

    • Personal data is collected in the course of competitions. The precise details, i.e. what data is collected and for what purpose, are available on the web page of the relevant competition.

    • We store your data in order to be able to send you the requested information material. The legal basis for data processing is your consent to the sending of advertising or information material (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR).

    • Due to statutory requirements, our web pages contain details enabling you to make fast electronic contact with us as well as direct communication with our companies. Where a data subject contacts us by email or via a contact form, the personal data thereby transferred will be stored automatically. This also applies to inquiries by telephone in which case the information provided by you will be stored in order to process your inquiry. This takes place for the purpose of processing or making contact. Sharing this personal data with third parties without your consent is not permitted unless we are under a legal obligation to do so.

    • In the course of issuing and processing offers, we process the contact details provided by you such as e.g. name, telephone number and email address as well as the offer address, address for loading and unloading and the list of removal items. If you order special services such as e.g. packing and unpacking, it is possible that the specialist staff receive knowledge of additional personal data. Our staff and any contractors that we deploy are contractually obliged to maintain confidentiality and subject to a general duty of non-disclosure. The relocation is followed up by an evaluation questionnaire about the relevant relocation. Participation is optional and can be refused at any time. 

    • Payment data, such as bank account and credit card details, as well as contact and identification information, are collected in connection with shipping contracts and other services, for the purpose of processing payments. To authorize credit card payments, the verification code is used for every payment transaction. This is not stored but is used only for the purpose of processing the payment. 

    • Parts of our business premises that are not accessible to the public, are equipped with CCTV surveillance. This applies particularly to entrances and ramps or areas subject to special protection due to the storage or handling of particularly valuable goods. 
      The purposes of CCTV surveillance generally include enforcement of house rules; investigation, prevention and prosecution of criminal offenses; to secure evidence where an offense is committed; processing insurance cases and customer complaints. This CCTV surveillance generally takes place in consideration of the company's legitimate interests, such as e.g. enforcement of the house rules or prevention of criminal offenses and the protection of employees, customers, potential customers and other contract partners. Under no circumstances is it intended to monitor conduct or performance. Signposts indicate the areas subject to CCTV surveillance. The legal basis for processing is Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR in conjunction with Section 4 BDSG.

    • For the participation and implementation of events such as conferences, conventions, meetings, events, online conferences, meetings and training courses, data of the participants is processed. The processed data includes contact data and identification data in the context of the event invitation but also technical protocol data such as the IP address during the online live event.

      Photographs and video recordings are taken on occasion at our events. These photos and video recordings are published on the Internet, on social media and possibly in print media. The legal basis for the processing is the legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO in connection with our public relations work.

      Photos and video recordings that show you directly (e.g. portraits) are only made/published with your consent. For this consent, we ask you to sign our user agreement on a voluntary basis. You can revoke this consent at any time for the future.

      In some instances we record online live events. On those occasions we make sure that only speakers and moderators are recorded in sound and vision.

      In order to prevent other participants from seeing your name in the meeting during the event, we recommend the use of your initials. Furthermore we recommend not to share confidential content via the chat function within the messenger and conference software.

      In the context of online events, we sometimes use contractually tied service providers for individual processing activities, such as for the provision of technical infrastructure. For example Microsoft Teams, is used as a service provider for messenger and conference software.

      Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA; privacy policy:

    • We are delighted that you are interested in us as a possible employer. The protection of personal data of job applicants, employees and all our affiliated third parties is very important to us. We collect and process the personal data of job applicants for the recruitment procedure. Processing may also take place electronically. This mainly occurs where an applicant transmits application documents electronically, for example by email or via an online application tool, to the person responsible for processing it. 

      We collect personal data relating to you that is relevant for the recruitment procedure or which you transmit to us as part of the application process (including for example first name, surname, address, email, position applied for and the details of your personal application). In order to assess your application carefully, we may also need additional information, e.g. about your professional career.

      If, during the application process, we ask you about your gender in the form of the desired salutation, this is exclusively due to the fact that we would like to write to you or address you in the correct manner. The indication of your age and/or the input of your date of birth is justified by the fact that for some of our activities a minimum age is legally intended. If you are a citizen of a country outside the EU, a work permit is required for Germany. Therefore we ask you in the application procedure also for your nationality.

      When you make an online application, you enter your personal data into an online form or send them by email and upload the accompanying documents. In the case of applications by other channels, we collect the relevant information from your application and store your application documents in our system. 

      When you apply for a specific job or take part in a recruitment event, you can actively consent to the transmission of your personal data for the purpose of applying for other possible jobs in the same or another group company (national or international). If you do not give your consent or if you withdraw consent, this means that your application cannot be considered further for other jobs. You can withdraw your consent for transmission at any time by post to the address given above or by email to Withdrawal of consent to the transmission of your application means that your application cannot be considered further for other jobs. If your application could be considered by another group company but we do not have your consent, we would always obtain your express consent before sharing your data.

      Due to the organizational structure of Schenker Deutschland AG and depending on your chosen application channel, your application may be processed by various offices. In all cases, your personal data will be processed exclusively by the company responsible for the job advertisement and, where applicable, by service providers that are contractually bound and legally obliged to comply with the relevant data protection provisions.

      Under the Anti-Terrorism Regulations EC 2580/2001 and EC 881/2002, Schenker Deutschland AG and all its affiliates are prohibited from maintaining commercial relations with persons or organizations suspected of terrorist activity. In order to comply with these Regulations, we are obliged to check all job applicants, who are invited to an interview, against a sanctions list of persons and organizations suspected of terrorism. This of course takes place in compliance with all data protection provisions. 

      When an employment contract comes into effect with an applicant, the data transmitted for the purpose of processing the employment relationship is stored in accordance with the statutory provisions. When no employment contract is concluded with the applicant, the application documents will be deleted automatically three months after notification of refusal has been given, unless other legitimate interests of the party responsible for processing prevent such deletion. Another legitimate interest in this sense is, for example, the duty to provide evidence in proceedings under the Equal Treatment Act (AGG). If you attend our Assessment Center for our sandwich degree courses or take part in our trainee program, we will store your results for a maximum period of 12 months. 

      In addition, you have the right to request us to delete your data. If you want us to delete your application data, subject to compliance with the statutory retention periods, please contact the address indicated above. 

    • A.    Objectives and legal bases

      • Your personal data will be processed by your employer and any mentioned group companies primarily for establishing, implementing and terminating your employment (Art. 6 (1) (b), Art. 88 GDPR in conjunction with section 26 (1) BSSG). For this purpose, it is necessary to collect various types of personal data, such as your contact information and HR master data and data which is required for your payroll or the transfer to the pension insurance fund. If this is necessary for the performance of your employment relationship, you are obliged to provide the necessary information and must otherwise expect that personnel processes will not function or that sanctions under employment law will also be possible. For important areas, e.g. the use of company IT, more specific regulations and legal bases are contained in company agreements. In the context of the implementation of the employment relationship, your personal data is collected and processed in particular for the more concrete purposes listed below - whereby, due to the factual context, such purposes are also named which are also covered exclusively or partially by the legal basis of a consent (they are marked with **):
      • Recruitment, onboarding, change of job, change and termination of employment relationship
      • Personnel data administration (master data administration, personnel file management, etc.)
      • Implementation of your employment relationship, e.g. work organization, equipment, performance of a task, supervision by the manager
      • compensation
      • Granting of benefits**, e.g. company travel, housing, rent subsidies, child care
      • Leave processing; working time regulations, time recording, time off
      • Qualification, further training and development**
      • Health care and examinations, if necessary fitness, health promotion and if necessary company integration management*.
      • Company pension scheme*.
      • Occasionally, your personal data may also be collected on the basis of consent given by you voluntarily in writing or in text form (Art. 6 (1) (a) or Art. 9 (2) (a) GDPR, section 26 (2), (3) BDSG). This is only the case in very exceptional cases, for example in the context of voluntary personnel development measures, photo publications or additional offers to your advantage, e.g. child care or additional offers within the company pension schemes.
      • During your time of employment, your personal data will also be processed on the basis of overriding legitimate company interests (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). This is permissible if the interests of the company outweigh the personal right of the employees concerned in the concrete consideration of interests. This may be the case within the scope of the fulfilment of operational requirements, e.g. within the scope of video surveillance or access control for access to our buildings and the company premises, in order to protect the safety of the operating resources and employees and to preserve the domestic authority. Some of the above-mentioned collection or internal forwarding of personal data within the Group takes place on this legal basis in order for other Group companies to perform central functions for the purpose of efficient performance of Group tasks, such as the collection of data by the central legal department when it comes to safeguarding legal claims.
      • In the context of your employment with one of us, personal data is also collected by the employer or another company of the DB Group on the basis of other legal bases. This is particularly the case if personal data are collected and processed on the basis of legal obligations, e.g. tax or social security law (Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR in connection with the respective legal obligation under European or national law, e.g. in accordance with the Tax Code or Social Security Code). The legal basis for possible measures of internal clarification of the facts of the case is Section 26 (1) sentence 2 BDSG; the DB Group also has provisions on this in works agreements.
      • "Special categories of data" - that is, health data or data about your ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership, as well as genetic data, biometric data for unique identification, health data or data about sex life or sexual orientation - may also be collected in the context of employment. The following applies to them: their collection and processing is subject to strict rules. They may only be collected based on the legal bases referred to in Art. 9 (2) GDPR, e.g. on the basis of consent or, if necessary, in order to exercise or comply with rights and obligations under labour law, social security law or social protection.

      B.    Origin of data
      The data is initially collected is based on the information you have provided yourself when establishing your employment, in particular from the personnel questionnaire. Further personal data is collected on the basis of your information, applications and notifications during your employment (e.g. change of marital status, indication of changed contact or account data), as well as in the context of your own activities, e.g. when using work tools such as scheduling systems, or on the basis of information from your superiors or third parties in connection with personnel processes in which your data is processed for a specific purpose (e.g. grouping, qualification, documentation of employee appraisals, payroll accounting, time recording). In addition, certain data is transferred from one personnel data system to other personnel data systems for a specific purpose (for example, data from identity management via interfaces to systems that you use or that HR uses). In addition, we receive personal data from authorities, social insurance carriers and, where applicable, other external third parties.

      C.    When will your data be deleted?
      Your data will always be kept for as long as required for the respective purposes and subsequently deleted, considering the statutory retention periods. Once the purpose of the data collection has been achieved, data access will be restricted (i.e. blocked) for a necessary retention period during processing and subsequently deleted. This is based on differentiated deletion concepts.

      D.   When is data passed on?
      As part of your work, you make your personal data available to other employees as part of cooperation. Your personal data is exchanged between individual departments, Group companies and personnel systems in the DB Group to the extent necessary for the purposes described above. Furthermore, your personal data will be passed on to authorized external recipients to the extent necessary to fulfil the purpose on the basis of legal or contractual requirements, taking into account the principle of data economy. These include external contractors, tax authorities, social insurance carriers, banks, insurance companies, DB Group social institutions and auditors. These may also be recipients in other Member States of the European Union or the European Economic Area (EEA). In rare cases, e.g. in the case of delegation, recipients in countries outside the EU/EEA. In the latter case, this only takes place if the legal requirements are fulfilled and an appropriate level of data protection is ensured for the recipient. As the parent company of the Group, Deutsche Bahn AG has important central functions at its disposal which process personal data and may also act for subsidiaries of the Group. Personal data is processed in these central functions to the extent necessary for the following purposes:

      • Corporate Communications and Marketing 
      • Central administration, e.g. legal department, central personnel department, compliance, auditing, corporate security, data protection organization
      • Procurement, see eProcurement Portal and Supplier Portal
      • Contractual transfer of real estate
      • Sale of railway property, see
      • Environment

      Within the DB Group, there are also holding companies active for individual Business Areas which perform central functions for the Business Area similar to those described here. Insofar as these holding companies process personal data at the business segment level, they are responsible under data protection law for this. Other functions are in turn performed by the individual Group companies themselves, which then bear the data protection responsibility for them.
      The processing of your data may become necessary in various contexts and is based in each case on different legal bases within the meaning of Art. 6 or 9 of the GDPR.

      E.    Data Overview 
      An overview of the categories of personal data stored about you, including the procedures, the purpose of processing, recipients and persons with access rights can be found in document 08 ZF015 Annex Data Overview. It is important to us that we make the processing of your data transparent. The extent to which data about you is collected, processed and stored can be seen in the data overview.

    • For the purpose of both on-site and online trainings, external training providers will regularly be deployed. These external partners will receive lists of participants prior to the event. Afterwards, they will create certificates for the participants. In general, lists of participants will be created for the purpose of internal trainings as well and to generate certificates.

      Events that won’t be held within the premises of SDAG, will under circumstances require the booking of hotels and venues. For this purpose, the participants’ data will be transmitted prior to the event.

    • In order to set up a customer account on DB SCHENKER connect or Drive4Schenker, you have to provide the following mandatory information: first name, surname, company name, company address, email address, telephone number, preferred language, contact person at DB Schenker, VAT number (where applicable), company registration number. A personal account cannot be created if this data is not provided. We use this data to process your registration in the portal and for the associated services. Once you have set up your profile, you can insert additional information. Those details are optional.

      Further information about how your data is handled is contained in the privacy notices for connect and  Drive4Schenker.

    • This website offers a chatbot function in order to support contract fulfillment and provide a more direct way to contact us. The chatbot is in operation day and night. It is not necessary to enter personal data for the chatbot to function. The contents of the chatbot are stored for training purposes for 8 weeks and then deleted. The use of the chatbot is voluntary. The legal basis is Art. 6 (1) (a) DSGVO.

      Cookies used by Chatbot:

      Storage Time


      Save user session information

      Max 7 days


      Save user session information

      Max 7 days

    • When using this general data and information, we do not draw any conclusions about the data subject. Such information is in fact required in order to ensure that our online content is correct, to optimize advertising for the internet site, to ensure that our IT systems and the technology for our internet site remain in working order at all times, and to provide prosecution authorities with information in the event of a cyberattack. This anonymized data and information ultimately serve to increase data protection and data security in our company. The anonymized data in the server log files is stored separately from all personal data entered by a data subject.


    Cookies are small files that are stored on your PC. These cookies enable our server to recognize your computer and make it easier for you to navigate and use our web pages. We distinguish between cookies that are essential for the technical functions of the web page and cookies that are not essential for the technical functions of the web page. The use of our web pages is generally possible without cookies that do not serve any technical purpose. Please note that if you refuse cookies used for advertising purposes, you will receive advertisements that are less personalized and less suited to your interests. You will, however, still be able to make full use of the web page.

    • You can prevent traceability using cookies in your browser (do-not-track, tracking protection list) or prohibit the storage of third-party cookies. We also recommend that you regularly check the stored cookies. On the pages you can see how you can change the settings in your browser:

      Please note: if you delete all cookies, any opt-out cookies already on your hard drive may also be deleted so you may have to reactivate any previous opt-outs. 

    • This website uses Adobe Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited (Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited, 4-6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Republic of Ireland). By using this analytics service, we want to ensure that our website meets the requirements and is constantly optimized. We also use the analysis service to statistically record the use of our website, which we evaluate to optimize our content.

      Adobe Analytics uses 24-month-long cookies stored on your end-user device to analyze your use of the website.

      The information generated by the cookie is transmitted to an Adobe server in the European Union and stored there. Because a method for anonymizing your IP address is enabled on this website, your IP address will be shortened beforehand. Adobe will use this information to evaluate your use of the site for us, to report on the activities on the site and to provide additional services on our behalf in connection with the use of the site and the internet. In this way, we can assess how often different sections and texts are read on our websites and whether or not our website design affects the extent of website usage. The statistics obtained enable us to improve our content and make it more interesting for you as a user.

      Adobe only passes this information to us as aggregated information for general website use. This data has no personal content and cannot be traced back to an individual.

      Our service providers are contractually obligated to treat your data in accordance with the requirements of data protection.

      The legal basis for the use of Adobe Analytics is Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR.

      1.) You can reject Adobe Analytics by clicking the following link to place the deactivation cookie in your browser:

      Click here to recall Adobe Analytics.

      2.) You can also prevent the storage of cookies used to create profiles by setting your browser software accordingly.

      Please note: If you delete the cookies on your device, the opt-out cookie will also be deleted, so you will need to reactivate your opt-out.

    • has integrated Oracle Eloqua / Oracle Marketing Cloud components (hereafter "Eloqua") on this website. Eloqua matches relevant website content to data from interested parties, customers and their profiles, in order to allow website operators to address interested parties and customers more effectively and in a more targeted manner. The purpose of Eloqua is to increase the conversion rate of interested parties into customers and thus to increase the turnover of a website operator.

      The operating company of Eloqua is the Oracle Corporation, 10 Van de Graaff Drive, Burlington, MA 01803, USA.

      Eloqua sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. Eloqua, on behalf of the, will use the data and information obtained through our website to evaluate the user behavior of the data subject who has used our website. In addition, Eloqua will use the data to create user activity reports on behalf, as well as other services for our company related to the use of our website.

      The affected person can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as shown above, at any time by means of a corresponding setting of the Internet browser used and thus permanently contradict the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent Oracle from setting a cookie on the information technology system of the person concerned. In addition, cookies already set by Oracle can be deleted at any time via the Internet browser or other software programs. To prevent the setting of cookies please visit:

    Social plug-ins and embedded content

    Our pages contain plug-ins from social networks that allow you to recommend our content to other people. We thus offer you the possibility of interacting with social networks and other users. 

    When you visit our web pages, you may find grayed-out images of the relevant functions instead of the actual plug-ins as these will not have been activated when the web page was loaded. Clicking on the image activates the plug-in and you will be forwarded to the relevant social network. The data flow arising at that moment is the responsibility of the relevant social network. We, as the provider of our pages, have no knowledge of the content of the data processed by the social network or of the processing operation. The legal basis for the use of plug-ins is Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

    An overview and origin of the social plug-ins that can be activated by the Shariff solution is available here:

    • YouTube 
      We want to provide you with a wide range of multi-media content. Thus our web pages contain embedded YouTube videos. The legal basis for this is Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. When visiting the pages, you will find a link. When you click the link to play the video, you leave our web page and are forwarded to YouTube. At this point, Google as the operator of YouTube, will set cookies and pixel tags for the personalization of advertising and search results. Google is solely responsible for this data processing as the operator of YouTube. We have no knowledge of, or control over, which data is processed. Additional information is available at:

      Google Maps
      We include Google Maps on our website. If you give your consent, your IP address will be transmitted to Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA .
      You can find the corresponding privacy statement at
      On the website you can make settings for your privacy.

    • Facebook
      Facebook offers comprehensive opportunities for interaction and multimedia presentation. On the Facebook page of Schenker Deutschland AG you will find tips and information about our company. The Social Media Dialog Team is available to answer any questions you may have about our offers and services.Visit our fan page, Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, Merrion Road, Dublin 4, D04 X2K5, Irland, collects, stores and processes your personal data in accordance with its privacy policy. You can find the privacy policy here:
      Beyond that, we only process data to a very limited extent:

      Our community management team uses the "SocialHub" tool to process comments and questions. The data imported there (comments, user names) are completely deleted after 12 months.
      In addition, we store user names and comments that are deleted due to violation of the netiquette. These will only be kept as evidence in case of legal disputes within the statute of limitations.
      In the context of sweepstakes, data will be collected for their processing. The details, such as which data is collected for which purpose, can be found in the data protection information and conditions of participation of the respective lottery.

      We use the statistics service "Facebook Insights" for the purpose of designing and continuously optimizing our pages to meet your needs. The Facebook Insights data is evaluated anonymously so that no conclusions can be drawn about individual users. Access to individual user profiles by the administrator is not possible.

      Data collected by Facebook Insights are:

      • Page activities
      • page views
      • Contribution range (differentiation between organic and paid content)

      On the Instagram channel you will find an exciting insight about new jobs, insight into the offices and many other topics from the everyday life of Schenker Deutschland AG.

      You can also leave comments and ask questions.

      If you visit us on Instagram, personal data will be stored and processed by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, Merrion Road, Dublin 4, D04 X2K5, Ireland, as an Instagram provider in accordance with Instagram's privacy policy. The privacy policy can be found here:

      In addition, data processing takes place only to a very limited extent: In the context of competitions, data on their processing are collected. The details of how and which data is collected for what purpose, can be found in the privacy policy and terms and conditions of participation of the respective competition.

      We also store usernames and comments that are deleted for violating the netiquette. These will only be kept to the required proof in the event of legal disputes.

      For the purpose of tailor-made and continuous optimization of our pages, we use the statistics service "Instagram Insights". The data of the Instagram Insights are evaluated anonymously, so that no conclusions can be made about individual users. The administrator cannot access individual user profiles.

      Data collected by Instagram Insights are:

      • Pages activities
      • Page views
      • Contribution reach (differentiation organic/paid content)
      • Recommendations
      • Post interactions
      • Video: Views
      • Location (country, city)
      • Traget group (gender ratio, age, language)

      X (formerly Twitter)
      On the channel @DB SchenkerDE you will find exciting insights into new jobs, insights into the branches and many other topics from the everyday life of Schenker Deutschland AG.

      When you visit our channel, Twitter International Unlimited Company, One Cumberland Place, Fenian Street, Dublin 2, D02 AX07 IRELAND as the operator of Twitter, stores and processes your personal data to the extent described in the Privacy Policy. The privacy policy can be found here:

      Beyond that, we only process data to a very limited extent:
      For the purpose of tailoring and continuously optimising our pages, we use the statistics service X Analytics. This service records your activity on our site and makes it available to us in anonymized statistics. This gives us insights into, among other things, the interactions of our subscribers, the visits to our site, the reach of posts, information about the activity of our subscribers, information about the countries and cities of our visitors from, as well as statistics about our visitors. It is not possible to draw conclusions about individual users or access to individual user profiles by the administrator.

      The YouTube channel of Schenker Deutschland AG presents videos on the subject of national and international logistics services. The team of Schenker Deutschland AG will also professionally answer the questions and comments of the users. Personal data is stored and processed by Google LLC ("Google"), Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, as operator of Youtube in accordance with Google's data protection guidelines.

      The privacy policy can be found here:

      Beyond that, we only process data to a very limited extent. In the context of sweepstakes, data will be collected for their processing. The details, such as which data is collected for which purpose, can be found in the data protection information and conditions of participation of the respective competition.

      Only in the event of a violation of the netiquette do we store user names and those comments that are deleted due to a violation of the netiquette. These will only be tracked as evidence in case of legal disputes.

    Is data transmission encrypted?

    Data and emails sent via the internet are normally unencrypted and are therefore not protected against third-party access. In order to protect your data on our web pages, your connection to our server is transport encrypted by default using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption method with at least 256 bit. Since we cannot guarantee the confidentiality of the information sent to us via email, we recommend that you only send confidential information by contact form or post.

    Updates to the data privacy notice

    We update this privacy notice to reflect modified functionality or changes to the legal situation. We therefore recommend that you review the privacy notice periodically. 

    Updated: September 3rd, 2024

    Consent to use Cookies and collect data

    We use first party cookies and similar technologies to ensure that you get the best possible experience on our website. Cookies provide us with statistics to adjust and optimize the setting and content of this website to your interests and to place relevant advertisement by using first and third parties, too. By clicking "Allow all Cookies" you accept the processing of your data and its transfer to first and third parties. By clicking "Reject Tracking" you will only accept the necessary cookies for the operation of this website. 

    You can find more details regarding the use and purpose of cookies, including first and third-party cookies, in our cookie settings. You can reject the use of cookies and other technologies and withdraw your consent any time with future effect by deactivating the respective code category in the cookie settings. You can find more information regarding these settings and the processing of your data in our privacy policy.

  • Cookies and tracking scripts

    We want to give you the opportunity to make an informed decision for or against the use of cookies, which are not mandatory for the technical functions of the website. Cookies are small text files in which personal data can be stored.

    Our privacy policy is intended to ensure that you are fully aware of the collection and processing of data, including through the use of cookies through our sites, and that you can make a decision that is appropriately informed. However you can change your cookie settings at any time.

    Please find further information within our data privacy policy.